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Result of 3rd Cyclic Test

Richard Sitaula - 10.5/18
Shreejesh Karki - 7.5 ( Re-exam)/15
Samyam Shrestha - 13.5/
Kumud Sitaula - 16/ 18
Malaika Sajjad - 14.5/18
Pratik Mainali - 11/20
Kritana Neupane - 11/11
Khubeb Akik - 12.5/ 14
Khizer Ishaq - 11.5/15
Dawa Sherpa - 11
Bikalpa Kunwar - 11/19
Anushka Karki - 11/20
Ansel Dhungana - 18 ( Congratulations)
Sujal Sharma - 13
Suyog Dahal - 12
Swayam Syangtan - 11/16
Tenzing Gyatcho - 4 ( Re-exam)/14
Mon Magar - 11.5
Nawang Jigme -13.5/ 15
Aaisha Ansari - 14
Samyam Jung Gurung - 10
Pembakee Sherpa - 18


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