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Revision Assignments of Class-10 Science

Dear Students of Class-10, here is your Revision Assignments. Complete it by 1st September and submit it by 2nd September 2018 before Breakfast time.                    
   Bouddha International School
CLASS-10                          Subject-Science                           F.M.-20
Attempt all the questions.
Group-A [10x1 = 10]

1.     What is gravitational force?
2.     Write the value of Universal Gravitational Constant.
3.     What will be weight of a body when it falls freely without any resistance under the action of gravity?
4.     If a man can jump on earth’s surface 1.5 meter, how much he can jump on moon’s surface?
5.     What is the value of acceleration due to gravity at the poles of the earth?
6.     On what factors, gravitational force depends?
7.     State Newton’s Law of Gravitation.
8.   State Modern periodic law.
9.   What are lanthanides and actinides?
10.  How many groups and periods are there in modern periodic table?

Group-B [5x2=10]

11.  If masses of two bodies are doubled and distance between them is tripled, what change will be there in force of gravitation between them?
12. Write any two differences between gravity and gravitation.
13. The mass of Jupiter is 1.9 x1027kg and that of Sun is 2 x1030kg. If the magnitude of gravitational force between these two masses is 4.16 x 1023N, find the distance between them.
14. Write two advantages of modern periodic table.
15. Write two differences between modern periodic table and Mendeleev’s periodic table.

The End

    Bouddha International School
CLASS-10                          Subject-Science                           F.M.-20
Attempt all the questions.
Group-A [10x1 = 10]

1.     What is SI unit of pressure?
2.     State Pascal’s Law.
3.     How much water must be displaced by a body of 200N weight to float in that water?
4.     Name any two instruments based on Pascal’s Law.
5.     Define hydraulic press.
6.     Write statement of Archimedes’ Principle.
7.     What do you mean by Upthrust?

Group-B [5x2=10]

8.  In a hydraulic press, the corss-section of small cylind is 0.25m2 and that of larger cylinder is 1m2. To lift the load of 600N, how much force must be applied on the piston of small cylinder?
9. Weight of a body in air is 17N and when immersed in water, it is found its weight 14N. Calculate upthrust of water and weight of displaced water.
10. It is easy to swim in sea water then in river water, why?  

The End

    Bouddha International School
CLASS-10                          Subject-Science                           F.M.-20
Attempt all the questions.
Group-A [10x1 = 10]

1.     List any two characters of silk fiber.
2.     How many times does a silkworm larva moult?
3.     In which phase does the larva produce silk thread?
4.     What is sericulture?
5.     Name two types of silkworms that are reared in Nepal.
6.     Mention the types of bees found in a beehive.
8.   Name two alkaline earth metals.
9.   What do you mean by p-block elements?
10.  State Mendeleev’s periodic law.

Group-B [5x2=10]

11.  Write any two differences between queen bee and worker bee.
12.  Bee is considered as essential insect for human life. Why?
13.  Why are the eggs of silk moth kept in cold places for a long time?
14. Give reason why halogen are called active nonmetals.
15. Change the following word equation into balanced chemical equation.
a) Hydrogen + Nitrogen                                  Ammonia
b) Iron + Oxygen                                 Ferric Oxide

The End

Bouddha International School
CLASS-10                          Subject-Science                           F.M.-20
Attempt all the questions.
Group-A [10x1 = 10]

1.     Name the hormones secreted by Thyroid Gland and Testis.
2.     Write the components of Central Nervous System.
3.     How many cranial and spinal nerves are there in human?
4.     Define meninges.
5.     What are the effects of hypo secretion of insulin and parathormone?
6.     Mention the types of bees found in a beehive.
8.   Which gland is known as master gland?
9.   State any two factors which influence the rate of chemical reaction.
10.  What is positive catalyst?

Group-B [5x2=10]

11.  Name four valves present in heart.
12.  Hormone is called chemical messenger, why?
13.  A person has blood pressure of 130/90 mm of Hg. What does it mean?
14. Write three functions of blood.
15. What is combination reaction? Write an example of balanced chemical reaction of it.

The End


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