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First/ Second/ Third / Fourth Cyclic Test Questions of Science of Grade-9

Bouddha International School
CLASS-9                            Subject-Science                           F.M.-20
Attempt all the questions.

Group-A (10x1 = 10)
1.   What is binomial system of nomenclature?
2.   Who is father of taxonomy?
3.   Write the names of sub-division of fern and apple.
4.   Define eukaryotic cell.
5.   Write one characteristic of Kingdom Monera.
6.   Write any two examples of Kingdom Protista.
7.   Write scientific name of Human.
8. Write the molecular formula of zinc sulphate.
9. What is the valency of chlorine and calcium?
10. Write the electronic configuration of sodium by 2n2 rule.

Group – B (5x2=10)
11. Classify Rose plant.
12. Write any two characteristics of Division Tracheophyta.
13. Write any two differences between  dicotyledons and monocotyledons.
14. The valency of chlorine is 1. Why?
15. Why Argon is called inert element?
The End

Bouddha International School
CLASS-9                            Subject-Science                           F.M.-20
Attempt all the questions.

Group-A (10x1 = 10)
1.   What is hermaphrodite?
2.   Name the class of sea-horse and penguin.
3.   Write any two examples of poikilothermic animals.
4.   Define external fertilization.
5.   What do you understand by sexual dimorphism?
6.   Name the largest phylum of Invertebrates.
7.   Which phylum has all parasitic animals?
8. What is covalent bond?
9.  Valency of Sodium and Oxygen are 1 and 2, why?
10. Define octet.

Group – B (5x2=10)
11. Write any two differences between Round worm and Tape worm.
12. Classify Crocodile.
13. Kiwi belongs to Class Aves, why?
14. Write the molecular formulae of  Hydrogen Peroxide and Ferric Chlorate.
15.  What is decomposition reaction? Write any two examples of it.

                        Bouddha International School

CLASS-9                    Subject-Science          F.M.-20
Attempt all the questions.

Group-A (10x1 = 10)
1.   What is adaptation?
2.   Define xerophytes.
3.   Write any two examples of arboreal animals.
4.   What do you mean by fossorialadaptaion?
5.   What do mosquitoes feed on?
6.   Which mosquito transfers malaria?
7.   Name the SI units of Power and Density.
8. What is an electrovalent bond?
9. What is a covalent bond?
10. How many subshells are there in L shell? Name them.

Group – B (5x2=10)
11. Write any two adaptational features of Camel.
12. Cactus has sunken stomata. Why?
13. Mention any two adaptational features of Lotus.
14. Sketch the molecular structure of ammonia.
15. Sketch the molecular structure of magnesium oxide.

The End
 Bouddha International School

CLASS-9                            Subject-Science                           F.M.-20
Attempt all the questions.

Group-A (10x1 = 10)
1.   What is force?
2.   Define inertia.
3.   State Newton’s First Law of Motion.
4.   What do you mean by momentum?
5.   Write the statement of Newton’s Third Law of Motion.
6.   Which Newton’s Law of Motion measures force?
7.   Write any two SUVAT formulae.
8.  On what factors, inertia of a body depends?
9.   State any two factors which influence the rate of chemical reaction.
10.  What is positive catalyst?

Group – B (5x2=10)
11. Prove F = ma.
12. When a moving bus is suddenly stopped, the passengers get jerked forward. Why?
13. Cricketer takes his hand back while catching ball, why?
14. A jeep starts from the state of rest. If its velocity becomes 60 km/hr in 5 minutes, calculate acceleration of the jeep and distance covered by the jeep.
15. What is combination reaction? Write an example of balanced chemical reaction of it.

The End


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